5200 Fillmore Ave Alexandria, VA Worship Sunday at 11AM

Saint James is a community of folks figuring out what it means to be Jesus-followers in this world.
We are open to all people joining us in the discovery of our place in God’s world. We live our faith in everyday life and hope that we will continue to find ways to share the good news of God’s love through Jesus in our actions and words.
Our Mission: Our Mission. To be bridge-builders at the intersections of daily life, sharing our love for Jesus through our actions and our words.
Our Vision: To build relationships, centered in following Jesus, among and beyond the people of Saint James.
The Saint James Community Values
Authenticity: Being real. We believe in being who we are, not who we think we’re supposed to be. We have real struggles to be followers of Jesus. We do not pretend to live perfect lives or to have arrived in some perfect faith world. We are not afraid to share our struggles with each other.
Integrity. Wholeness: We believe each person is called to bring their whole selves into relationship with Jesus. All parts of our lives are part of us; hence they are also part of our relationships, including and especially with God.
Transparency. We strive to become so “clear” that others see Jesus through us. We also try to make clear our goals and processes without a hidden agenda.
Forgiveness: We are people not only in need of forgiveness but also in need of learning to forgive. We are striving to become a community of forgiving people in our everyday lives.
Embodiment. We live in bodies that are gifts from God. Flesh and body are good gifts. We affirm that all matter matters.
Transformation: The more we follow in the way of Jesus, the more we open ourselves to being changed by God. Following in the way of Jesus changes our hearts and minds. Jesus very first message was, “Change your minds and believe the good news!”
Hopefulness: We trust in a God that transforms us and, through us, the Cosmos. That trust in the ongoing transformation is hope. It is not simply “wishful thinking” but a grounded way of seeing God through the eyes of our trust.