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Feb 2, 2018
2/4 Worship- And No One Is Impressed with My Call…
Have you ever felt that your sense of call was just too small? Maybe you have a call but it doesn’t have all the pizazz you imagined?...
Jan 23, 2018
1/28 Worship- Who Was That?
1 Samuel 3:1-10. Do you hear what I hear? Does God speak to us? How does God actually speak and what does the Divine Voice sound...
Jan 18, 2018
1/21 Worship Theme- I Didn’t Hear You?!
We are beginning a new series, God Is Calling, with the story of two courageous midwives, Shiphrah and Puah. Never heard of them? That...
Jan 11, 2018
1/14 Worship Theme- Wine for the Party
John 2:1-11. Jesus is at a wedding party. They run out of wine. What should he do? What will he do? There is so much we might say about...
Jan 5, 2018
1/7 Worship Theme- Get It Together!
Here we are in a new year and last week we talked about setting resolutions for this New Year. This weekend we’ll take a look at how God...
Dec 28, 2017
12/31 Worship Theme- Be It Resolved: Resolution Making and Breaking
Almost everyone I know makes resolutions for a new year, to do or stop doing some list of things. What might a list of resolutions look...
Dec 21, 2017
12/24 Worship Theme- So Ordinary It’s Extraordinary, Christmas
Mary says “yes.” Such an ordinary thing we do everyday, saying “yes” or sometimes “no.” But it is in ordinary faithfulness that God can...
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