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Jul 25
(Mark 4:35-41) There are times in our lives when we feel like we are on those boats in the midst of stormy waters. The choppy waves leave...
Sep 28, 2023
Be Empty
As I reflect on living, I find that I am often full when the Way of Jesus calls me to be empty. Paul refers to this in his letter to...
Sep 7, 2023
Time to Wake Up
We turn to Paul's letter to Rome once more for some instruction on what is important in the life of faith. So what is important? That we...
Jun 8, 2023
To Boldly Go...
Every day we go out into the unknown. In that way, we are not unlike Abram when God called him to leave what he knew to go to a "place...
Jan 20, 2023
And Jesus Preached...
This week we take a look at what Jesus preached and modeled for the disciples and, by extension, us. We will begin with Jesus' "first"...
Dec 31, 2022
Live Intentionally
We begin a new year by exploring #intention. What will shape the coming year for each of us individually? What will shape the work of...
Aug 26, 2022
Begin with Humility
As I sat pondering the passages for this weekend, I could not hope but notice a recurring theme of humility. Honor can only come from the...
Nov 18, 2021
A Practicable Faith
In the end, faith, a relationship, has practical and practicable skills. We close out the #faith series with a reminder that the...
Nov 12, 2021
Faith without Agenda
Jesus goes to eat at the home a religious leader. While he is eating there, a woman comes in to wash his feet and anoint him. The...
Nov 5, 2021
A Resilient Faith:Like Simon
Sometimes I find myself wondering how to bounce back from living like I had no faith. Simon is well-acquainted with denying his faith....
Oct 28, 2021
A Portable Faith:Like a Mustard Seed
Remember when cellphones came in bags that were difficult to consider truly “portable?” Now, cellphones fit in a pocket easily. Jesus...
Jun 25, 2021
Ephesians: Part 4
So last week didn't go where I thought it was going earlier in the week; it was kind of like all of life. This week we are closing out...
Jun 3, 2021
Ephesians: Part 1
Why this letter of Paul? And who are these "Ephesians" to whom Paul is writing? This week we begin a series on a relatively short letter...
Jan 14, 2021
Next Stop: the Wilderness
Immediately after being baptized by John the baptizer, Jesus heads out into "the wilderness." What is this wilderness experience all...
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