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Apr 8
Going Deeper: Recognition
We are adding content so that you can go deeper in your consideration of the topic and below is this week's study guide for the message....
Mar 28
A New Dawn
In the culminating week of our "Healing Journeys: Embracing Grief and Presence" series, "Resurrected Hope: A New Dawn" invites us to step...
Apr 20, 2023
Stranger on the Road
Several disciples have left Jerusalem after the crucifixion. They have heard the reports of the risen Lord, but they have not seen him...
Apr 13, 2023
Fear is a universal experience. The disciples are afraid of what might happen to them. Mary has reported that she has seen the Lord. The...
Apr 7, 2023
Life from Death
When the disciples went to sleep on Saturday night, they were sure death had won, that the Roman Empire and religious authorities had...
May 5, 2022
More than These
After breakfast on the beach with Jesus, Simon has a conversation where Jesus asks him about love. "Do you love me more than these?" Why...
Apr 28, 2022
A Beach Breakfast
Jesus appears to the disciples several times, first to Mary in the garden, then to most of the guys that evening, and then a week later...
Apr 21, 2022
Without a Doubt
Is there is such thing as having no doubts? We have a person in Thomas who has been caricatured as "the Doubter." I was raised...
Apr 14, 2022
New Life is Catching
Easter is a central celebration in our life together as Christians. #Death does not get the final word. Still there is no new life...
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