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Men’s Ministry Update

Last Saturday five men gathered for the first Men’s Ministry get together was a share a meal, experience fellowship and dream. The group will be more than just some guys who are called on to go and work. Rather, we decided that our group will focus on three areas.

1. We will come together for breakfast every other month in order to start building a true sense of community. 2. We are going to look at ways where we can experience times together of devotion, prayer, etc. We talked about the possibility of one day retreats for that purpose. 3. We want to be active in serving the needs of our church and our wider community, helping in ways that members of St. James and our community in need might not be able to do for themselves, like repair projects, painting, etc.

Our next Men’s Breakfast is tentatively scheduled for March 21st. Want more info? See our Assistant Pastor, Tim Blake,


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