Our Visioning Task Force began meeting two months ago. They worked with our internal survey results, the ideas generated during our May vision lunch, demographic data about the West End, and reports/conversations with local groups working on the West End. Based on those materials, prayer, and ongoing discernment, the task force submitted an initial report which the Church Council wants to share with you, the congregation. We will be making the initial report available Sunday, September 22 in printed form and then digitally. On Sunday, October 6 immediately following 11am worship we will have light refreshments and a “town hall” conversation in the worship center. We also expect to have a later town hall meeting via Zoom, an online conferencing platform. (Date and time to be determined)
During these gatherings, we are looking for questions, thoughts, and a general sense if this is a direction toward which we are discerning God calling. Try to engage in one of the town hall meetings but if you cannot, seek out one of our leadership team to share your thoughts. THanks for all your input and ongoing prayer in this process!